The phrase “met klem de tweede oplage” is a Dutch expression that can be translated to English as “with emphasis on the second edition” or “the second edition, to be emphasized”. It is often used in crossword puzzles and other word games as a clue for a word or phrase that is related to the second edition of something.
For example, if the answer to a crossword puzzle clue is “met klem de tweede oplage” and the puzzle is about books, then the answer might be “revised edition” or “updated version”.
The phrase can also be used more figuratively to mean “to reiterate” or “to emphasize something again”. For example, if a politician says “met klem de tweede oplage” after making a statement, they are saying that they want to make sure that their message is clear and that everyone understands it.
Here are some other examples of how the phrase “met klem de tweede oplage” can be used in a sentence:
- De uitgever kondigde met klem de tweede oplage van de populaire roman aan. (The publisher announced the second edition of the popular novel with emphasis.)
- De minister sprak met klem de tweede oplage over het belang van onderwijs. (The minister spoke with emphasis about the importance of education.)
- De wetenschapper benadrukte met klem de tweede oplage dat haar onderzoek nog niet definitief was. (The scientist emphasized that her research was not yet definitive.)