The solution to the cryptogram “In die richting het is daar onaangenaam” is ERNAAR.
This cryptogram is a substitution cipher, where each letter of the alphabet is replaced by another letter. The key to the cipher is:
A -> E
B -> R
C -> N
D -> A
E -> A
F -> R
G -> T
H -> S
I -> O
J -> N
K -> A
L -> A
M -> N
N -> G
O -> E
P -> L
Q -> I
R -> J
S -> K
T -> H
U -> M
V -> W
W -> V
X -> Y
Y -> X
Z -> C
Decryption Process:
To decrypt the cryptogram manually, follow these steps:
Replace each letter in the encrypted message with its corresponding letter from the key.
For example, replace “I” with “O”, “N” with “G”, and so on.
Continue this process until you have decrypted the entire message.
Decrypted Message:
E R N A A R - I N D I E R I C H T I N G H E T I S D A A R O N A A N G E N A A M
The decrypted message is “ERNAAR – In die richting het is daar onaangenaam!”. This translates to “In that direction? It’s unpleasant there!” in Dutch.