Here are some crossword clue options for “made a mistake” depending on the desired difficulty and length:
Easy (3-4 letters):
- ERR (most common) – Short and straightforward.
- FLUB (informal) – Casual term for a minor mistake.
Medium (5-6 letters):
- MESSED UP – More descriptive, implies a bigger error.
- SLIPPED – Suggests a small unintentional mistake.
- BUNGLED – Informal term for a clumsy or botched mistake.
Hard (6-8 letters):
- MISSED STEP – Metaphorical clue for a mistake in judgment or action.
- FOUL-UP – Informal term for a significant blunder.
- GAFFE – A social blunder or awkward mistake.
Thematic (with wordplay):
- OFF TRACK – Suggests going in the wrong direction.
- FELL SHORT – Indicates failing to achieve something.
- Consider the number of squares allocated for the answer in the crossword.
- Look for any intersecting clues that might provide hints about the type of mistake.