Sure, here are some additional cryptic clues for the phrase “onverschilligheid van de vorst” (indifference of the ruler):
Hint: A ruler’s apathy, as cold as the winter’s grip.
Solution: VORSTELIJK FROST (royal frost)
“A ruler’s apathy” directly conveys the indifference of the ruler.
“As cold as the winter’s grip” uses a metaphor to emphasize the emotional detachment and lack of warmth associated with the ruler’s indifference.
“VORSTELIJK FROST” combines the Dutch word “VORSTELIJK” (royal) with the English word “FROST” to create a phrase that captures the essence of the ruler’s cold and uncaring attitude.
Hint: When the crown shows no concern, the kingdom shivers.
Solution: IJZEREN HART (iron heart)
“When the crown shows no concern” highlights the ruler’s indifference and lack of compassion.
“The kingdom shivers” suggests the negative impact of the ruler’s apathy on the people and the kingdom.
“IJZEREN HART” (iron heart) is a metaphor for a cold, unfeeling, and uncaring heart, representing the ruler’s indifference.
Hint: A monarch’s chill, felt from the highest throne.
Solution: VORSTELIJKE KOELTE (royal coldness)
“A monarch’s chill” directly conveys the ruler’s coldness and detachment.
“Felt from the highest throne” emphasizes the ruler’s position of power and the far-reaching effects of their indifference.
“VORSTELIJKE KOELTE” combines the Dutch word “VORSTELIJKE” (royal) with the German word “KÜHLTE” (coldness) to create a phrase that captures the essence of the ruler’s emotional coldness.
These cryptic clues provide different perspectives on the phrase “onverschilligheid van de vorst” (indifference of the ruler), using metaphors, wordplay, and imagery to convey the concept of the ruler’s apathy and its impact. The choice of clue depends on the specific context and the desired level of difficulty.