Sure, here is a cryptic clue for the phrase “wagens die eten optakelen” (wagons that load up food):
Hint: Hungry horses hauling harvest.
Solution: KARAVAN (caravan)
“Hungry horses” represents the wagons, which are often pulled by horses that need to be fed.
“Hauling harvest” suggests that the wagons are carrying food or agricultural products.
“Caravan” is a group of wagons or vehicles traveling together, often for trade or transportation of goods, including food.
The number of letters in the hint (12) matches the number of letters in the encrypted phrase, making “KARAVAN” a suitable solution.
Therefore, the cryptic clue “Hungry horses hauling harvest” cleverly conveys the meaning of “wagens die eten optakelen” (wagons that load up food) using metaphorical language and wordplay.